venerdì 24 gennaio 2014

Welcome everyone !

Welcome everyone !
I'm a 18 years old girl,  student on her last year in the high-school and of course a gymnast and a gym-fan.
I started to follow the international gymnastics world in the autumn of 2009, and I immediately fell in love with this magic world.In my country gymnastics it's considered a minor sport, furthermore  I didn't knew a single word in english, consequently at the beginning has been a little bit hard.
In the october of the same year I opened a youtube channel called "Marta Super 96", I became a videomaker .You tube gave me the chances to see everything about gymnastics from the old Olympic competition to the daily workout of the most famous elite athletes of the moment. For me everything was simple amazing.
In this blog I'm gonna write articles about elite gymnast,with more focus on the new juniors.
I hope you like it :)

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